The first time we have been out of Britain for Christmas day, the first Christmas we have been away from immediate family, the first time we have eaten Christmas dinner in the warm sunshine, the first time we have had no turkey or Christmas pudding, the first Christmas we have experienced no pressure of commercialism, the first time we have shared Christmas with Jenny Green and her family, the first Christmas we have really been able to see the simplicity and poverty surrounding Jesus at his birth.
There was no glitter or glamour then either, the stable was mucky just as the cow sheds are here, the cows probably lean and underfed, ribs showing through, just as they are here, no water on tap, no sterile cleanliness, no midwife or doctor, the straw on the floor trod in with dung and dirt; not a neat pretty manger scene but a working
animal habitat, smelly, dark and uncomfortable. Not the sort of place one would expect to see the King of Kings!
Yet isn’t that just like God. He goes where we wouldn’t expect. To the down and outs, the unloved, the unwanted, the misunderstood, the lonely, those on social benefits, the chap who’s “not quite all there”, the prostitutes, druggies and anti social misfits. Not for Him the comfort of a nice house, relaxing friends, good social standing and money in the bank. Not that there’s anything wrong with those things and there’s many people who need to hear about Gods love in that environment, but as we come to the start of a new year maybe we should start asking God what “firsts” He might have for us in 2011.
Perhaps it will be the first time you start to take a serious look at God’s love for you and do something about it. Maybe it will be the first time you ask Him to show you His plan for your life, maybe you need to have a fresh look at your work and make sure God is “first” in your heart. Or will it be the first time you open up to the work of the Holy Spirit and ask for His power to move you forward onto new aspects of work for God.
Coming to a new country with such a different culture and perspective on life has shown us many new things, especially many new aspects of God and His love. We can honestly say we are gaining so much more than we are giving. We hope for many more “firsts” in our lives over the coming New Year, knowing we are protected and loved by Him who is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last.
Prayer requests
For Irene to make contact with the new Head of Education and be able to have a good discussion over the difficulties surrounding the Vocational Training Centre
For Malcolm to have the opportunity to work closer with the new Treasurer of the Diocese
For travel back to England for our son’s wedding in January
We wish you all a very happy New Year, and pray that God will be first for you