Sunday, 26 June 2011


Time is passing quickly by and we are learning more new things about our surroundings and the culture of the people we live among each day. Going to the outlying villages on the two Missions we have been involved in so far has enabled us to see more of the everyday Ugandan life style but we are still very far from communicating clearly with people.

At one of the talks Malcolm gave during the Mission to teenagers at a Primary School (in Uganda you stay in school depending on your knowledge, not your age) he used a gesture of pointing upwards with one finger towards heaven, giving God the glory. It was a gesture made popular in England and USA in the 70s by a Christian rock singer called Larry Norman and the American preacher, Arthur Blessitt indicating that Jesus is the One and Only Way to Heaven.

Later however he found out that here political parties are indicated by holding up the hand, pointing with one finger for the Independent party, two fingers for the N.R.M. and three fingers for the F. D.C. etc. so he now wonders if the children he spoke to think he had some hidden political agenda!

Irene too saw examples of the difference between Ugandan and western culture whilst overseeing the work of the tailoring students who are preparing sample products aimed at a possible American market. The Peace Corp worker had asked the girls to produce examples of a long skirt and a short skirt for him to take back to the States. They duly did this and proudly showed him their efforts. Much to his disappointment the long skirt reached the floor and the short skirt was about mid-calf length! The idea of a skirt for a woman being actually above the knee was just something completely outside the girls’ experience, and it wasn’t until Irene showed them a picture of herself at 18 years old in a mini skirt that they actually believed that such an item could be worn. Their long skirt was cut in half and two short skirts produced, but even as they were being packed to be taken to America you could see the total disbelief of the girls that any woman would ever wear such things.

It is so easy for misunderstandings to arise between different cultures, but it’s also easy for them to arise amongst people of the same backgrounds and even within the same family. Particularly within the church family where we should be careful to ensure that we do not misunderstand and take offence at things which were never meant to cause offence. The devil likes nothing better than to cause strife amongst Christians and destroy the love that God wants for His family and which non-Christians are longing to see.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know”. Proverbs 3:5

We have enjoyed looking after Jenny’s children even though climbing the hill to the house each lunch time and again after work made us feel our years! Jenny’s staff cook local food which consists of rice, beans and vegetables and Irene very soon found out that she would never suit being a vegetarian as the lack of meat had her pining to go out to a cafĂ© in the town to top up her carnivore tendencies. Jenny returned on the 24th June bringing our son and daughter in law (David and Sarah) with her which is a great delight to us and hopefully a great help to her as they are to work within Potters Village for three months.

Thank God for:

- Jenny’s successful but tiring Fund raising tour to England and her safe return, together with our son and daughter in law

- the completion of the tailoring samples in time for the Peace Corp volunteer to take them to America

Please pray for:

- David and Sarah to settle in quickly and be able to assist meaningfully in the work of Potters Village Home for Vulnerable Children.

- Malcolm travelling to Kisiizi Hospital to help for 2 weeks with their accounts, for safety over the winding mountain side roads

- Irene and her work with the tailoring students that God’s purpose will over rule with the possible connection with America

- the Mission later this month in the Cathedral deanery – that God will bring faith and renewal to many people