Monday, 30 January 2012

Time flies - and so do we (February 2012)

In some ways the past three months in the UK has flown by; however, an awful lot has happened.
-         we’ve celebrated 4 family birthdays and Christmas
-         we’ve driven over 7,000 miles visiting family and friends, with just one breakdown (with smoke coming from the front brakes)!

-         we’ve attended 2 Church Mission Society (CMS) Conferences

-         we’ve slept in umpteen beds, and several Travelodges, receiving generous hospitality from many people, some of whom we hadn’t previously met

-         we’ve put on several kilograms of unwelcome weight (but the ‘African Diet’ should sort that out)

-         we’ve worshipped at many churches and talked about our work in Kisoro to 4 groups

-         we were fortunate to attend the commissioning as CMS Mission Partner in Manchester of our friend , Dr Corrie, prior to her departure for 7 years to Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda, and the consecration at St Paul’s Cathedral of Tim Dakin as the new Bishop of Winchester

-         we’ve visited doctors, dentists and opticians for check-ups and treatment

-         we’ve seen snow - in Cyprus

-         we’ve packed our bags for our flights on 6th February, including gifts for students at the Vocational Training Centre in Kisoro and items, such as a decent saucepan and books, requested by friends there

-         we have discussed with our CMS manager our future work in Kisoro and beyond

We thank all those people who have been so kind and loving to us in the last 3 months for their prayers and generosity and we take many happy memories with us

Prayer requests
Please thank God for:
-         our time in England, our safety and for all those who have blessed us

-         the news we have had from Potters Village Baby Crisis Centre about the building developments that have been completed and the work carried out by a team of volunteers from High Wycombe

-         for our meetings with CMS as we consider our future work

Please pray for:
- our safe return to Kisoro, and that we quickly re-acclimatise to the altitude, weather and culture

- our discussions with Bishop Cranmer about our future roles in Kisoro, Potters Village and Kisiizi Hospital that we will have a unity of mind and spirit

- the trustees of the Church Mission Society as they interview and select a new General Secretary to replace Tim Dakin, designated Bishop of Winchester

- guidance as we consider what we might do after the completion of our assignment in Kisoro in October 2012

- Irene’s mother still in hospital after major emergency surgery and keen to get home!

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